The last 12 months saw much of the culture of retail as everybody knew it, fade into a dream. After such an unfortunate experience for the world, it is wonderful to think that we will soon welcome real-world retail back. Everyone understands that in the months ahead it will be crucial to take careful steps and get the strategy right.
Of course this applies to so much beyond the retail and leisure industry. But focussing thought and effort on what can help us as we move forward, actually presents us with a unique opportunity. Destination teams, landlords and those trading in our city streets and shopping environments will have had time to reflect on what they need and want from their retail and leisure spaces. The same is true of the shopping public, who have also been evaluating what they need when visiting these places. Do both visions of what real-world retail should look like, align?
In the April issue of RLI, ART’s director Gareth Jordan shared steps to cultivate community and spark a cultural reboot ready for the new retail world.
Read the Retail Insight here