The cultural shift can be as exciting as it is daunting when moving from traditional methods of data collection and analysis. Beyond the data itself, technology that enables collaboration brings you that competitive edge by encouraging a shift towards data-driven decision-making.
Here are some tips on how to create a data culture.
Access for All
In general, organisations have access to more data than ever before, and almost no place more than retail environments. However, a large pool of data is of little use if it is inaccessible to all that can benefit from it. Streamlining laborious manual data collection and automating reporting releases time for people to make good use of the available analysis. Companies with a true data culture keep the whole business up-to-date. From corporate level analysis covering multiple sites, units or geographies to day-to-day operational reporting, the business benefits when people can see the data that affects their role.
The Bigger Picture
It has become fairly standard practice to invest in gathering data, and these processes often provide tools to assist in specific analysis for a role or task. But often the vital step towards achieving the bigger picture has not been made; joining data sources in an efficient way to deliver a live view of business changes. Collaboration through the right dashboard-driven management software is at the heart of data culture. Sharing a view of potential problems and also their possible solutions provides invaluable insight into the best paths to desirable results.
Data Tools
Data culture is about harnessing the power of technology, but our experience shows that empowering people with data is where the shift gets particularly exciting. Once reserved for data scientists, ART Software Group has spent the past 18 years providing analysis solutions for retail shopping environments, integrating data feeds and collecting data to provide accessible insights that drive sales and growth.